Wujal Wujal clinic assessed as TCHHS focuses on flood recovery

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Image for Wujal Wujal clinic assessed as TCHHS focuses on flood recovery

Flood damage at the Wujal Wujal Primary Health Care Centre's staff accommodation.

Building experts have conducted an initial assessment of the Wujal Wujal Primary Health Care Centre after it was impacted by major flooding.

The clinic suffered significant damage when the community was inundated by the flood waters from ex-Cyclone Jasper on 17 December.

Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service staff, along with QBuild assessors examined the facility and staff accommodation on Wednesday.

A structural engineer will now assess whether the clinic and accommodation can be refurbished or if a new building will be required.

Clinic staff have now left the community and are being supported.

Six staff and three other people, including a patient, had to seek refuge on the roof of the building when the flooding event occurred.

The patient has since recovered.

TCHHS continues to work to support community members impacted by the flooding, including working with health partners such as the Royal Flying Doctor Service to provide mental health support.

The health service is also working closely with both the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council and Cook Shire Council, along with the Queensland Ambulance Service, Red Cross and Queensland Police Service.

The health service is establishing a recovery team which will work with other government agencies to assist the impacted communities.

Please remember there are a number of health risks associated with floodwaters, including melioidosis and leptospirosis.

We urge everyone involved in flood clean up to wear protective clothing including boots and gloves and seek medical attention if required.