Qualifications and credentials

Before you start working for us as an allied health professional, we'll ask you to show us evidence that you have the skills, competencies, knowledge and experience to work with us. We'll need to see your qualifications and credentials.

We'll also need to define your scope of clinical practice (SoCP) [PDF 184 kB]. This means describing the extent of how you'll practice in our organisation.

This process uses professional associations’ scope of practice documents, standards, and requirements from regulatory bodies. We will then assess the information you give us.

Appropriately qualified and experienced professionals review every application. They are practitioners from the same profession you're working in.

Who this applies to

This applies to:

  • allied health professionals (AHPs) who provide clinical services in a Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service (TCHHS) public health facility when employed by a third party, contractor or agency
  • AHPs engaged on temporary locum contracts
  • AHPs who are engaging in extended scope of practice.

It doesn't apply to:

  • AHPs employed by TCHHS, including permanent, temporary and casual employees, who are working within the defined scope of practice of their profession
  • AHPs employed by another Hospital and Health Service (HHS) or the Department of Health, who are providing clinical services in TCHHS
  • AHPs conducting research if the research does not involve any direct patient contact
  • AHPs conducting workplace or work capacity assessments related to WorkCover, Occupational Health and Safety or Radiation Safety related assessments
  • students and trainees participating in supervised training activities, as long as the activity does not include any unsupervised clinical practice or patient contact.

How to apply

The application process is the same for both new and renewing applications.

The business unit that's employing you will work through this process with you.

External allied health professionals

If you're employed by a third party, contractor, or agency, we'll either:

  • ask your agency to include your credentialing and defined scope of practice as part of the service agreement
  • arrange for our credentialing officer to work through this with you.

We'll ask one of our professional leads to review your application. If we don't have anyone in that profession or discipline, we'll ask an equivalent person in another health service.

For allied health professionals, the defined scope of practice lasts up to 5 years.


To work as a locum you'll need to use our application form [PDF 436 kB].

If you're a recruitment agency working on behalf of a candidate, use our Request for Allied Health Locum Response Form [PDF 140 kB].

We can only accept recruitment agencies' applications if they're part of our registered panel.

For locums, the scope of clinical practice lasts up to 3 years.

Extended scope of clinical practice

If you need to do a task or clinical practice that falls outside the recognised scope of practice of your profession, you must apply for an extended scope of practice.

We'll ask a suitable allied health credentialing panel or committee in another health service to review your application.

Use the application form [PDF 436 kB] to apply for an extended scope of practice.

Mutually recognised scope of clinical practice

If you already have a defined scope of clinical practice in another HHS, you can apply to have it mutually recognised at Torres and Cape HHS. Processes may vary between each HHS, so we assess each application on a case-by-case basis.

We'll ask the other HHS for a copy of your SoCP letter as part of this process. Your Torres and Cape HHS SoCP will expire at the same time as the original one.

Use the application form [PDF 436 kB] to apply to have your existing SoCP recognised.

If you need to start work before completing the full application process, you may be able to get an interim SoCP. This lasts for up to 3 months and can't be extended.

More information

For more information about the credentialing and scope of clinical practice processes read our Allied Health Credentialing Procedure [PDF 184 kB].

You can also contact  us:

Allied Health, Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service
163 Draper Street
Cairns Qld 4870

Postal address
PO Box 5607
Cairns Qld 4870


07 4226 5557

Last updated: December 2022