Contact details

Hospital is open 24/7 but for general enquiries office hours are:
Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm

In an emergency call 000

Phone 07 4069 0200

Fax 07 4069 0601

Street address
163 Douglas St
Thursday Island Qld 4875

Postal address
PO Box 391
Thursday Island Qld 4875

Visiting hours

Visiting hours are between 10 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 8 pm.

If you can't get to the hospital during visiting hours, we may be able to arrange another time for you to visit. Talk to the staff in charge of the ward to see what we can do.

Read more about visiting someone in hospital.

Plan your visit

Information to help you plan your visit to Thursday Island Hospital.

Street address: 163 Douglas St, Thursday Island Qld 4875


Street parking is available outside the hospital.


If you're travelling to visit us, and you can get the Patient Travel Subsidy, we'll organise for you to stay at the Meriba Mudh Hostel.

Last updated: October 2023